
Productive Machines is bringing high precision to manufacturers

Process Enhancement

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Learn about Tap testing and how you can avoid chatter vibrations.

Process Enhancement

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Process Enhancement

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What are the benefits on offer ?

Optimizing your toolpaths with Productive Machines can lead to

  • Time, material and money all saved by reducing trial and error on your machine tool
  • Lower production cycle times and increased productivity
  • Extended tool life
  • Improved surface quality
  • Improved dimensional quality
  • Reduced need for post-manufacture inspections
How does Productive Machines compare to other solutions ?
  • Our unique stability map is able to identify and eliminate chatter vibrations on the whole toolpath before they cause any issues
  • Intuitive Software as a Service (SaaS), no need to train your engineers to use complex software;
  • Simple subscription service, no need for large capital investment
What problems does chatter cause ?
  • Lower surface finish and dimensional accuracy
  • Increased tool wear and cutting tool costs
  • Increased maintenance costs on machine tool
  • Increased noise level coming from the process
  • Increased waste of material
How can we identify if we have chatter vibrations?
  • Aside from chatter marks in your workpiece and low tool life you may also notice increased noise levels during a process with chatter
  • Machine tends to vibrate close to its natural frequencies in addition to the frequency of chip removal
What CAM programs can you work with?
  • Currently our solutions works best with Siemens NX but we are developing APIs to help us work better with other CAM programs
  • Some of our web apps don’t require a toolpath to optimize
Process Enhancement

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